Programs & Activities
- Community Orientation Programme on Emerging Trends in Education – 23th January 2024 at Khonoma
DIET, Chiechama organized a One Day Community Orientation Programme on Emerging Trends in Education on 23rd January 2024 at Khonoma village. Resource Persons highlighted on the National Education Policy 2020 and stressed on the combined efforts of all the stakeholders for the successful implementation of the Policy. They also talked about the main focus of NEP 2020 with regard to Inclusive Education and the Role of the Parents, teachers and the Community in Inclusive Education. A session was taken on the Value of Science Education related to Community.

- Capacity building in connection with NEP 2020 was held at Tseminyu District – 12th – 14th February 2024
A three days Teachers Training on ” Capacity building in connection with NEP 2020 was held at Tseminyu District from 12th-14th Feb 2024, for primary and graduate teachers, under SDEO, Tseminyu district.
Topics undertaken: Classroom management, teaching strategies, inclusion education, life skill education, mental health and ICT.

- One Day Community Awareness Programme on NEP for The Community Of Tening Area – 7th Nov.
The Institute organised One day Community Awareness programme on NEP 2020 for Community members of Tening area on 7th Nov at Tening Town Hall.
Objectives of the programme: To Sensitize the Community Members on the-
- Salient features of NEP-2020
- Roles and Responsibilities of the Community towards education system as recommended in NEP-2020 and relationship between community and school as envisaged in NEP 2020.
Target Group: SMC Members, Village Council Members, Church Leaders, Students and Youth Organisations and Parents.
Total Participants: 78 Community Members.
Resource Persons : Senior Lecturers/Lecturers from DIET, Dimapur.
Topics Discussed: PowerPoint presentations and discussions on Overall view of NEP_2020, Roles and responsibilities of community members, relationship between community and school, Learning disability & Inclusive education.

- Content Enrichment Programme for Primary/Elementary Teachers under Athibung EBRC – 1st-5th April 2024
The Institute organised Content enrichment programme for teachers under Athibung EBRC from 1st April-5th April at EBRC Athibung. The main objective was to orient the teachers on NEP 2020 strategies on the core subject areas. The program was structured into sessions of activities and group discussions.
Target Group: Teachers from different schools teaching at Primary and Elementary level.
Total Participants: 50 School Teachers.
Resource Persons : Senior Lecturers/Lecturers from DIET, Dimapur.
Topics Discussed: Various activities on the four core subject areas, discussions and demonstration of 5E model lesson plan in the four core subject areas, Planning of 5E lesson plans on the core subject areas by the participants, Development of Learning Resources.

- Celebration of National Space Day (23rd August 2024):
The preparation of the space model Chandrayan-3 was done on the 22nd of August 2024. On the 23rd of August 2024, the institute observed and celebrated The National Space Day by organising quiz competition, exhibition of Chandrayan-3 models and talk on Indian space saga.

- Workshop on Towards Understanding Self (20th September 2024):
A workshop based on “Towards Understanding Self” was held at Impur, Mokokchung on 20th September 2024 with the D.El.Ed Second Year teacher trainee with Dr. Akok Amer Pastor Impur Baptist Church as the resource person.
This was followed by the preparation of a report by the trainees based on the workshop by keeping the following points:
- Describe briefly what you learned from the story “Who Moved My Cheese”?
- What message did the author want to convey?
- Which character from the story best describes you and as a D.El.Ed trainee how would you like to bring about changes in your life?

- Workshop on Life Skill Education (26th to 29th November 2024):
A. Punch Needle Art: The workshop was guided by Purkumla Jamir, who demonstrated the techniques and provided valuable insights into this unique form of embroidery. The goal of the workshop was to introduce punch needle art, its applications, and techniques for creating beautiful designs.

B. String Art : String art, also known as nail art or hammer-and-nail art, is a unique and creative form of art that involves using nails and coloured strings to create geometric patterns and designs on a wooden board.

C. 3D Art: The 3D art, typically dogs and cats, are made of no cost materials namely; newspapers, threads, copper from electrical wire. And bought materials; canvas boards, frames, acrylic paints and varnish. The idea is to recycle newspapers to creative something beautiful and valuable out of it but harmless, as we all know newspapers contain harmful chemicals.

D. Basket Making: Group members collected some amount to buy the plastic wires. Each member collectively worked hard and made one basket each. Nine (9) baskets were completed out of which it consists of 2 small or size basket, 4 medium size and 3 large in size.

E. Jewelry Making: Everyone Student was handed over a rough sketch of the design to be made accordingly using the raw materials. Merenyangla, the instructor provided each individual with what to do and how to go upon with the assembling and finalizing the products. Total 6 Men Brooches and 4 White pearl keyholder, 1 Hairband was completed.

- Workshop on Creative Drama & Fine Arts was conducted from 25th – 29th Nov. 2024:

- Community Awareness Programme:
A Community Awareness Programme was conducted at Zangkham Village under Tizit Block on 6th December 2024 on the topic, Community and School, NEP 2020 with special emphasis on vocational education and programs and activities of school. A total of 100 participants attended the programme. The programme was chaired by Miss. Phongya konyak, Lecturer DIET, Mon followed by keynote address by Mr. Temsuwabang, Principal, DIET, Mon. The resource persons were Miss Mary konyak, Lecturer DIET, Mon, and Mrs. Yinmei Konyak Lecturer DIET, Mon and Mr. T. Yitwang Konyak ToT EBRC Tizit. During the discussion hour various issues with regard to present trends in educational system and involvement of community were discussed and deliberated.

- Innovative Teaching Practices: 9th October 2024
Training on Innovative Teaching Practices under the theme “Universal Design for Learning” for teachers under Hakushang EBRC focusing on the development of learning materials which is accessible to all learners.

- State Curriculum Framework (SCF):
SCERT as the nodal agency in the state has been mandated to initiate and carry forward the work of Development of the State Curriculum Frameworks for both Foundational Stage and School Education (SCF-FS and SCF-SE). Consequently, a series of workshops and training programme were conducted to facilitate the development of SCF-FS and SCF-SE in partnership with the Azim Premji Foundations. In order to cater to the needs of the state, the SCFs will provide guidelines in curriculum designs, teaching methodologies and approaches, assessment practices and professional development of practitioners in alignment with NEP2020.
- Workshop 1 : Workshop on Cross Cutting Themes, School Culture and Processes
This 5 days Workshop was conducted on 2 – 4th September 2024 with around 60 participants at SCERT, Kohima.

- Workshop 2 : Workshop of the Task Groups for all stages of schooling.
The 5 days Workshop of Task Groups was held from 14 – 19 October 2024 with 60 participants at SCERT, Kohima.

- Program and Activities conducted by Assessment Cell:
A. A one-day Orientation was held on Holistic Progress Card (HPC) for Preparatory and Middle stages for piloting teachers of five schools in Kohima District at SCERT, Kohima on 7th March 2024.
B. Piloting of Assessment items for PARAKH Rashtriya Sarveskshan 2024 was conducted from 6th -10th May 2024 for the state of Nagaland. The pilot test was evaluated for 1350 (one thousand three hundred fifty) sample of learners from classes 3, 6 & 9 consisting of both government and private schools.
C. A two-day workshop focusing on the implementation of the Holistic Progress Card (HPC) was held on 8th and 9th October, 2024, at State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT), Kohima. The event was jointly organized by PARAKH, NCERT in collaboration with SCERT, Nagaland and Samagra Shiksha with Resource Persons from PARAKH, NCERT.
A total of 107 participants from various educational sectors including the Directorate of School Education, Samagra Shiksha, NBSE, SCERT, DIETS, and school teachers from all districts of Nagaland, registered for the workshop. During the sessions, attendees engaged in extensive discussions about the HPC, developed activities and rubrics tailored for Foundation, Preparatory, Middle, and Secondary Stages, providing valuable insights for the implementation of HPC in the State.

D. A one-day training of District Level Co-ordinators(DLCs) and District Level Master Trainers(DLMTs) for PARAKH Rashtriya Sarvekshan was held at SCERT, Nagaland on 22nd October 2024 by PARAKH in collaboration with the SCERT, Nagaland, Directorate of School Education and Samagra Shiksha.
There were 55 DLCs and DLMTs from 16 districts of Nagaland at the training. During the training, a brief overview of PARAKH Rashtriya Sarvekshan and the modalities of the survey were discussed. The resource persons for the training were Dr. Sukhvinder and Mr. Madhusudan from PARAKH, NCERT.

- Program and Activities conducted by ICT & IE Cell:
Activity No. 1.
SCERT Nagaland, Kohima along with the NIF India and DST, Ministry of Science and Technology, New Delhi organised the State Level Exhibition and Project Competition (SLEPC) -cum mentorship. Followed by Orientation on INSPIRE MANAK Awards for 64 GHS and GHSS teachers from Mon, Peren, Chumoukedima, Dimapur and Niuland Districts. The programme was organised at the EBRC Kuda Dimapur, Nagaland on 28/05/2024 four awardees selected to represent Nagaland State in the NLEPC Competition 2024 at New Delhi are.
- Mr. Zarenthung Odyuo from Christian Hr. Sec.School, Dimapur.
- Ms. Likivi M Sumi from Holy Cross Hr. Sec. School, Dimapur.
- Mr. Farhadul Islam Talukdar from JNV Kiphire.
- Mr. Temjenyanger from Jubilee Memorial School, Mokokchung.

Activity No. 2
Nagaland secured the first position in the Painting Competition and also a spot in the top 30 at the Prototype Machine Exhibition and Competition at the 11th National Level Exhibition and Project Competition of the Innovation in Science Pursuit for Inspired Research – Million Minds Augmenting National Aspiration and Knowledge (INSPIRE MANAK) at New Delhi on 17-18 Sept. 2024.

Activity No. 3
Nodal Officer for IE, SCERT, Nagaland along with the Change inkk organized the Dyslexic awareness month post the Dyslexic walk in Kohima on the 19th Oct. 2024

Activity No. 4
SCERT released Hand book developed for Certificate Course on Sign Language with specific reference to Nagaland Sign Language and Conducted certificate course on 28th Oct. 2024 at the SCERT, Nagaland. 40 persons participated in the course, they are from NBSE, Shamagra Shiksha, Govt. and Private Schools, DIET and SCERT.

Activity No. 5
Nodal Officer for IE, SCERT, Nagaland facilitated the organization of International Day of Persons with Disabilities at the Bamboo pavilion, Kisama, Kohima, Nagaland in the midst of Hornbill festival on the 3rd of December 2024.

- Program and Activities conducted by ECCE Cell:
A. Documentation of audio-visual teacher resource materials to provide support to the primary teachers while implementing the new Nagaland ECCE curriculum in the school.
B. Annual Primary Teacher Journal titled “IMPRESSIONS”. The Journal showcases the testimonials, the best practices of the teachers across the Districts of Nagaland.

15. Program and Activities conducted by Guidance & Counselling Cell:
In Nagaland, the need for professional counselling service has been increasingly felt due to increasing complexities of modern day living. Young adolescents are experiencing all kinds of mental anxieties and emotional stresses created by modern science and technology, mobile phone, internet, degradation of moral values, academic competition, unemployment crisis and confusion in the choice of careers and vocations.
Considering all these needs, a 1 Year Diploma course in School Counselling has been designed and introduced since 2018 with the primary objective to train teachers in theory and practice of School Counselling so as to ensure that every school has at least one male one female School Counsellor. So far, a total number of 128 trainees has been trained by SCERT. Resource persons are drawn from DHFW, ANCA, SCERT, Colleges, Schools, St. Joseph University, SCPCR etc.
Graduation Day was observed for the graduates of 2019 and 2022 batch on 12th July 2024 at SIEMAT hall, SCERT Nagaland. Smti. Temsunaro Ao (IAS), State mission Director, Samagra Shiksha Nagaland graced the programme as the guest of honour. Educational dignatieries from NBSE, Directorate of School Education, and officials from SCERT also participated in the programme. A total of 31 graduates from both the batches participated for the said programme.

Guidance and Counselling cell SCERT, Nagaland also organized a 1 (One) day training on Pre Vocational Education and 10 Bagless Days for Elementary Teachers of Nagaland in 11 (Eleven) batches. A total of 315 teachers attended the program.