1. Action Research on “Illegible handwriting amongst student teachers of D.El.Ed (2022-2024) Batch DIET Chiechama” February 2024
An action research was conducted from August 2023 to February 2024. This action research is being conducted as the handwriting of some of the student teacher of D.El.Ed (2022-2024) Batch, DIET Chiechama is found to be illegible. Some of the problems found out where inability to distinguish certain letters, like ‘r’,’ s’, ‘n’, ‘e’, ‘ c’ etc, mistake in the usage of uppercase and lowercase letters, lack of uniformity and proper spacing. Therefore, the present study has been undertaken to in order to resolve the identified problems.
The main objective are to help student teacher improve their handwriting by:
- Proper usage of uppercase and lowercase letters.
- Distinguish irregular letter shape.
- Providing remedial measures.
The action research has been undertaken with the aim and intention to improve on their handwriting as good and legible handwriting skills affect student self-esteem, have positive impact on grades and can even affect their overall academic success.
2. Action Research on “Ineffective use of teaching learning materials amongst D.El.Ed students (2022-2024).”
The action research was carried out with D.El.Ed 2022-2024 batch. The TLM used by trainees to teach a particular topic was analysed quantitatively by giving scoring marks. Their effectiveness was assessed using questionnaires which are enclosed. Descriptive statistics were used to analyse the data. Initially, situational analysis was carried out which was based on the problems faced by the trainees during practice teaching. All 46 student-teachers of D.El.Ed batch 2022-2024 of DIET, Chiechama, were taken as sample for the study. There were 9 males and 37 females.
The basic problem found through the evaluation was that they were unable to use the TLM effectively. There were instances where the TLM used were appropriate and relevant to the concept but they could not use it at the appropriate time or they could’ve displayed the TLM longer or they could’ve let the ‘supposed students’ handle the TLM or could’ve displayed it for the second time while reviewing the lessons, etc. Therefore, some strategies were laid down as intervention which consisted of giving them feedbacks like the opportune time to hand the chart on the stand, not hanging it the moment they enter the classroom or the proper way of holding flash cards or use a colourful pointer to focus their attention towards something on the chart/whiteboard, etc.
The study revealed that the student-teachers’ ineffective use of teaching-learning materials had an adverse impact on the actual teaching-learning process. The study also reinforced the fact that teaching-learning materials can significantly increase student achievement by supporting student learning.
3. Research on “A Study on the Preferred Learning Styles of D.El.Ed Teacher Trainees, DIET Wokha”
As a part of DIET activity and program for the session 2024 to 2025, DIET, Wokha in synced with all other DIET’s of Nagaland, took up the challenge to conduct a research study on “The Preferred learning styles of D.EL.ED teacher trainees of DIET, Wokha, Nagaland”.
In order to improve the training program and to make the trainees the best of teachers this research study was identified. This is in accordance to the learning theory; Learning is more efficient or effective if students are taught utilizing their preferred learning styles. The need to identify the preferred learning styles of the teacher trainees of DIET, Wokha arise in order to make the teacher educators tailor strategies to better suit individual need and preference and also to better cater to the diverse need of the teacher trainees by creating more inclusive learning environment.
The findings of the study reveals that the most preferred learning style among the D.EL.ED teacher trainees of DIET, Wokha is visual style of learning(50%) followed by Auditory(23.3%), Bimodal(11.7%), Tactile(10%) and Kinesthetic (5%). The findings show that each individual is unique because they have their own preference in learning things. Besides, an individual also has a different ability to understand things, to be taught in the way they learn best, and to face obstacles in learning.
4. Research on “ An Evaluative Study of Early Childhood Education in Wokha Town”
A descriptive survey research on the topic An Evaluative Study of Early Childhood Education in Wokha Town” was conducted by DIET Wokha in the year 2024.The study was an attempt to provide a comprehensive view of Early Childhood Education in ECE centres of Wokha town. The population of the study included pre-primary teachers, Anganwadi workers (AWWs) and Heads of Government schools, Private schools and Standalone Private Preschools of Wokha Town, comprising of 134 pre-primary teachers (approx.) and 88 Heads of schools/AWC centres. Using stratified random sampling technique, a total of 72 teachers consisted of sample size for pre-primary teachers teaching in Government and Private schools including Anganwadi workers from 10 Government schools, 17 Private schools and 10 Anganwadi centres.
An analysis of the findings revealed that most private standalone pre-schools (90%) in Wokha town are not registered under the School Education department. The findings further indicated that in the absence of a prescribed curriculum uniform for all the schools, the programme in some private schools are laid down by the school authority. The findings on instructional facilities reveal that the present status of private schools is in a better position than government schools and AWCs. Majority of private and government schools also has essential infrastructural facilities for ECE as recommended by NCERT while, Anganwadi centres requires better infrastructural facilities. The study also looked into the profile of pre-primary teachers and Anganwadi workers which revealed the need of well qualified teachers and Anganwadi workers especially trained in early childhood care and education.
DIET Zunheboto conducted Action Research on two topics:
1. Improving Students’ Classroom Participation among D.El.Ed Students
2. Problems of Students Not Completing Homework Assignments among the Class 8 students of GHS South Point, East, Zunheboto
5. Action Research on Improving Students’ Classroom Participation Among D.El.Ed Students
Active classroom participation has always been a critical factor in yielding positive learning outcomes for students and further developing their abilities. Participation allows students to build on their knowledge, demonstrate they have understood the curriculum, develop confidence, and apply theory. It teaches students to think critically (Garside, 1996) and engage in dialogue with their colleagues and professors by providing informed arguments based on information retained. Participation of the learners is one of the important elements in the effective teaching learning process, which is beneficial for both the educators and learners.
However in the D.El.Ed 1st Year class, the students don’t actively participate in the class, they usually wait for the instruction from the educator. They hardly participate in the class discussion from their own. Therefore, the investigators felt the need to conduct action research on this problem to identify and implement various teaching strategies to understand and come up with a solution to increase the students’ participation in the classroom.
Objectives of the study
The general objective of the study is to address this problem and identify effective learning methods that can enhance class room participation of students of 1st Year D.El.Ed students of DIET Zunheboto.
- Design of the Study
This study relied on research tools in different phases. A pre-test format was designed to observe and know the reason for less active participation in the class. Data gathered from pre-test, observation schedule and activities were analysed and compared to design suitable strategies and teaching method that that will improve students class participation for intervention phase. In the next stage, after implementing the various strategies for intervention, the data were analysed for implementation of the desired study outcome.
- Population and Sample
The sample of the study consists of the D.El.Ed 1st year students of DIET Zunheboto. Simple random sampling was used for the study.
Research tools
Qualitative research methods, was used in the study. Observations method was used to observe the classroom interactions and behaviours of the students.Questionnaire form prepared by the researchers were used as a data collection tool. For observation, the researchers themselves are instructors of the students so that they have observed their normal class teachings. Interaction with the students were used to understand the socio-economic background of the students and also to identify factors that cause low level class participation of students. Observation and analysis were applied to determine the effectiveness of the various strategies implemented for enhancing classroom participation.
Analysis and interpretation of data
Descriptive analysis was used in data analysis.
Findings of the study
Based on the study, some of the factors that affect the participation of students in the classroom were silence and shyness, lack of confidence, instructor’s approach and related factors and lack of incentive method. The interventions strategy that were taken to tackle the problems such as adopting incentive method, practicing clear and friendly communication, establishing positive relationships with students, focusing on students’ need, providing pre-class reading assignment, letting group discussion, minimizing lecturing time and extending classroom activities, peer tutoring, incorporation of methods motivate students towards participation, rewards and encouragement of students, creating awareness about their cultural background and how to develop confidence. The intervention stage includes strategies in promoting the participation of students in the classroom and shaped the learning teaching process in sophisticated manner. These findings illustrate that educators need to implement active learning methods by minimizing traditional long lecturing trend so that classroom participation can be effective and satisfactory.
The need to conduct this action research was to understand and contribute in filling the knowledge gap regarding learning and classroom participation in the class. Classroom participation can bring positive signals to learners on learning and help them to be curious and question about what they are learning, instead of simply taking what they are being taught. Participation in classroom helps the students in developing critical thinking, active learning, development of listening, speaking skills and the ability to join a disciplined conversation needed not only for their class and course but also for career success in the future.
6. An Action Research into the Problems of Students Not Completing Homework Assignments among the class 8 students of GHS Sourh Point, East, Zunheboto
The teacher always pursues to influence learning, but finds himself meeting the students in so short a time each day that much of the students’ learning occurs outside the school. Homework in school is therefore given to be done at home which may serve as a motivating factor for students. Homework is used to inspire students’ interest on the topic after the school. Homework is the work given to the students after class that is to be studied at home. Its purpose is to make the students recall and revise the day’s lessons. It also helps the students to develop the study skills and study habits at home after the school hours. It also allows the parents and guardians to be a part of their child’s learning. Teachers often face the problem of students not completing the homework at home and not studying at home which affects their class routines and teaching. When the teacher gives homework to the students, though some students complete it, there are some students who are not interested in completing their homework. The researchers felt the need to investigate on this problem and develop a strategy to help the students develop a habit of doing homework regularly. The primary aim of the researchers is to improve the homework habits of the students that will help both the teachers and students in the effective teaching learning process.
Objectives of the study
The main objective of the action research is to identify the causes of the students not completing their homework and to develop a strategy to help them develop and improve the habits of completing their homework regularly.
i. Design of the study
This study relied on research tools in three phases. A pre-test format was designed to identify and study the reason for the homework. Data gathered from pre-test, interaction with the students and teachers were analysed and compared to design suitable tools for intervention phase. In the third phase, pre-test and intervention data were analysed for implementation of the desired study outcome.
ii. Population and sample
The study group consists of class 8 students of GHS School, South Point (East), Zunheboto, Nagaland.
Research tools
Qualitative research methods, was used in the study. Questionnaire form prepared by the researchers were used as a data collection tool. Interaction with the students and teachers were used to understand and identify the problem of not completing homework among the students. Interview with the parents of the students were used to understand the problems from the parents’ perspective.
Analysis and interpretation of data
Descriptive analysis was used in data analysis.
Findings of the study
Studies indicate that some of the reasons for the students not completing their homework were, for most part many parents and guardian at home do not help their children with homework either because they do not know or they do not have time or they do not care, some children are burdened with housework and they don’t get enough time to study or complete their homework, some students do not understand the lessons well in the class, some students prefer to play rather than to study thereby leading to the neglect of not completing the homework, Some students did not do their homework because they were not interested in completing it. Based on the findings the researchers along with the teachers implemented some new methods which motivates and encourages them to develop interest and motivates them to do their homework. After remedial measures, the students were motivated to complete their homework which saw an increase in the number of students completing their homework.
Homework is an essential part of teaching learning process that helps the students to develop study habits and also involve the parents in their learning. For effective teaching-learning, the teachers should give provide feedback to the students about their work after school learning. Homework is an essential task for students. It improves the child’s thinking and memory. Homework helps a child develop positive study skills and habits that will serve them well throughout life. Homework encourages a child to use time wisely. Each school should give importance to homework. Each teacher should realize the importance of homework and how it influences and develops a student’s study. From the study, it can be concluded that when the students are given the right instruction, guidance and environment to learn, they learn and do their works sincerely. In order to have an effective completion of homework by the students, the school should always involve the parents in the teaching learning process. The more attention and recognition the students get, the more they are willing to do the assigned tasks. Teacher’s monitoring of the student’s work after school will contribute much to the wholesome attitude of the students. They will be motivated to improve their work, because they will be inspired by the encouragement and feedbacks, they receive form the teachers and the school.